SEO Mindset e-Book

SEO Mind Set e-BookThere are many SEO Mindset Reviews and great Marketing websites on SEO Mindset e-book available online. Please be careful as 90% of these are affiliate websites and they earn every time you purchase a book. The better they describe about the book the more money they get. This review is not one of their affiliate programs.

SEO Mindset is the latest popular e-book on SEO in the market. A 128 page e-book has various strategies explained for attaining and staying on to top search engine rankings. The book provides good insights on SEO and SEM for both beginners and experienced individuals.

Some of the helpful resources found in SEO Mindset include:

  1. Several links and information on free programs found online and also created by Brad Callen.
  2. Excellent information on how to work on Keyword Research
  3. A 3 page master plan which provides a good tutorial and guide on how a basic optimization is done.
  4. Tips on launching your own site

Though there are a large number of content available, the book is more of a beginners guide and a 2 year old SEO expert would not find all the chapters to be interesting and worth reading.

Brad Callen is a 29 year old Marketing Expert from Indiana and has many software’s, websites and e-books to his credit. The e-book currently costs $45. SEO Mindset is available through various affiliate websites.