Top 5 Essential Plugins for your WordPress Blog

You just finished designing your great blog. Well, you also have sufficient content on it. Now how do you bring in visitors? How do you increase search engine visibility? How do you stop all those spam mails and comments reaching your blog? Sounds like you might have to rethink on why you created a blog?

That’s not the case. With installation of few good plugins, you can have your blog all set for visitors, search engines and spammers. Here is the top five essential plugins that can make your blog all happening. Popular plugins change with time and WordPress updates. Find out the perfect plugin suitable for your WordPress version through its ratings, reviews and comments.

  1. Related Post- A good related post plugin to show a list of related articles related to the article the vistor is currently reading. This can increase the time the user stays on the website thereby increasing page views and decreasing bounce rates.
  2. Google Sitemap Generator- How will Google ever know that you have added an article? Google sitemap generator plugin for WordPress would take care of all the pain involved in manually adding a URL in your xml file immediately when you add content.
  3. Spam Fighter – Your blog definitely needs an automated program which recognizes spammers and stops their comments or emails. WP-Spamfree is one of the top sort-after plugins currently. I feel its powerful too. Well, I am not promoting this plugin. I have been using this and I find it very efficient. It has stopped nearly 99% of the spam I used to get. I wonder how this works so perfectly.
  4. Social Bookmarking Plugin – Your blog has to be certainly bookmarked in social Networking websites. Add a cool Social Bookmarking Plugin to get your posts submitted to Social Networking sites like StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Technorati etc.
  5. Contact Form with Spam Protector – You would obviously need a contact us form in a page you created on WordPress. It is easy to create a page. However, it’s not easy to create a contact us form for non-techy blog owners.Well, you get cool plugins to add a contact us form. Just place a one-liner on your page and the contact us form gets added up. Not just a Contact Us form, they also offer a spam protection to stop all spam bots from capturing your email address or automatically submitting onto them.

That wraps up the basic plugins you need for an efficient WordPress blog. Do let me know if you feel something is missing! Happy blogging!